

Less Hassle. More Money.

As Public Adjusters, our sole responsibility, unlike that of an insurance company adjuster, is to advocate for the policyholder’s position in the claim.

We Represent YOU!

Property Damage Claim Types


Fire Damage


Hurricane Damage


Flood Damage


Sinkhole Damage

What We Deliver for You

Peace of Mind

We will provide peace of mind, clarity and direction as to what to do and what happens next. We are your G.P.S. (Guidance, Preparation, Settlement)

No Stress and Hassle

We will relieve the stress, hassle, and frustrations that can come with the claims process. We will help the policyholder fulfill all obligations placed upon them by the insurance policy conditions entitled, “Duties in the Event of Loss”.

Documentation Compilation

We will properly document and provide direction for your claim by preserving evidence of damages through paperwork, reports, measurements, photos, videos, engineer and experts reports, estimates, affidavits, etc.

Mitigation Direction

We will provide direction concerning reasonable and necessary mitigation efforts to protect your property.

Temporary Living Support

We will provide direction as to new temporary living arrangements and properly securing documentation for additional living expenses provided under your insurance policy.

Hiring Guidance

We will advise against the premature hiring of contractors until damages, job specifications, and cost of the job, are known, agreed to, and paid for by the carrier.